Why Does Your Home Have Condensation On Every Window?

If you’re having trouble controlling the condensation on your home widows, the problem probably isn’t so much your windows as it is an overly high humidity level. Whatever the case, it’s a problem you should address immediately, since persistent condensation on home windows can damage walls and fixtures and encourage the development of mold and mildew.

Where’s the Condensation Coming From?

Condensation on home windows is primarily a wintertime problem, although it can happen during any season when the temperature difference between your home and the environment is great enough. Condensation occurs because warm air holds more moisture than cold air. On cold days, as warm, moist air in the center of a room moves toward colder windows and walls, it cools off and releases moisture as condensation, or even frost on excessively cold days.

During warmer seasons, when warm air outside comes into contact with windows that have been cooled by air conditioning, condensation will form on the exterior of the windows. This doesn’t pose any danger to the inside of your home, and is mainly an esthetic issue (everybody wants a clear view outside their window).

Eliminating Window Condensation

The main way to prevent warm air from condensing on cool windows is to reduce the humidity in your home. Try implementing these methods:

  • Get a portable dehumidifier for a localized humidity issue. A whole-house dehumidifier can address a more widespread problem with high interior humidity.
  • Use exhaust fans in rooms prone to humidity, such as bathrooms, kitchens and laundry rooms. Make sure they vent outdoors.
  • Improve ventilation in your home, either with mechanical means or just by cracking open the windows. When stale interior air is exchanged regularly with fresh outside air, interior humidity buildup is less of a problem.

Upgrading to double-pane windows is another way to prevent window condensation. This prevents the inside pane from cooling interior air and releasing condensation.

For more information on humidity control for your Greater Kansas City home, please contact Overland Park Heating & Cooling, Inc.